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Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Swisho posho Elephants ....

After wandering around for about an hour on Friday night, seeking the Royal Exchange, a taxi driver scratched his head and said "I think it's Cornhill."  Then I realised I had been looking in the wrong part of the city! 

Very weirdly, whilst looking for Devonshire Square elephants, I was walking down Liverpool Street and saw a familiar figure emerging from a building.  It was one of my best friends - I didn't have a clue that she worked there, and we just happened to run into each other!  Funny coincidences happen from time to time to me - having the right people in the right place, at the right time.  Life's a funny mix sometimes, isn't it?

There's this marvellous sculpture in Devonshire Square - and what a great story about King Edgar. 

The plaque is equally fascinating and fitting to the piece:-

This beautiful elephant named ELEPHANTASTIC #155 was created by Lily Marneffe.  Artist's Inspiration: "The joy nature gives inspired me to paint an elephant with colourful flowers."

I love the security guard's expression - he's looking at me like I've wondered what I am doing!  I then finally found the Royal Exchange - a lovely, very upmarket centre stuck between two streets in the city. The pic is a bit glarey, but you get the idea. 

Ellie #244 - This beautiful elephant named Jewel-ele was created by Tarun Tahiliani.  Artist's Inspiration: "Elephants are the jewels of the ecology of our subcontinent".  Look at all that beautiful sandstone in the background - such fabulous warm tones, which complements the shimmering gold of Jewel-ele perfectly. 

Here's a close-up - I could see 100 other uses for all the embellishments!  :lol:

And the Cartier elephant, # 107, is just as pretty, if a bit more subdued! 

I shouted myself a coffee in these very salubrious surroundings, before feeling a bit more revived and ready to continue a bit longer.  More Bank and City elephants another day. 


  1. loving the photos, next best thing to being there!

  2. I am so going to miss the ellies when it's all over. It's such a treat coming here and seeing them all, thank you for posting about them. The knight on horseback is wonderful; I love sculpture and architecture. You are very fearless tootling all over London on your own!

  3. Ali look! They are a bit rough but very cheap!

  4. Oooh very posh elephants - love them!
